My Latest Competition is an Online Poomsae Competition (Updated)

 My Latest Competition is an online tournament called the 4th Han Wong Worldwide Open Online Poomsae & Speed Kicking Championship 2024. I only entered the Poomsae Competition doing my TAEGUK OH JANG (5) form.

The form has been recorded at my Do Jang, and updated to youtube here (LINK)

The registration closes on July 24 and the competition is aired live on 07/30/2024.

Update:  I won in my division (Under 65, advance, male) since I was the only one in my division.  However I was grateful that I received a 7.8 score - which is quite respectable and gives me a new goal of doing better.  (link to the final video of competitors - I'm at the very end). 


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