I signed up for my first tournament

My first tournament since 1981. 

Last month my TDK school was encouraging those with a green belt and above to sign up for a tournament last month.  However since this event was on Sunday (and I'm a Christian), I looked for another tournament that I could do on a Saturday.   I found the AAU NJ Championship which is being held on May 11th, in Teaneck, New Jersey.  I signed up for two events;  1.  WT Forms 2.  Olympic Sparring.  

I've been receiving lists of those that have signed up and so far I have not seen anyone with; my sex, my rank (intermediate ranks, Green, Purple) my age (Ultra, 43 and above), and my particular events.  So I have no idea if I will be competing with anyone or if they will put me with the closest age groups.  

My emotions are all over the place.  I'm excited one minute, and nervous the next.   I hope I will look back and say I made the right call.  


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