FAQ: Is 60 years old to old to start TKD (TaeKwonDo) lessons? February 09, 2023

Can a 60 year old learn Taekwondo?

 Some people would say that a 60 year old is too old to be taking such an energetic and dynamic sport such as Tae Kwon Do.  A sport which requires good amount of balance, stretch and leg strength, which older people lack. You can build muscle, balance, and flexibility at any age. It may be harder but that's the wonder of the body, it response positive when placed under the proper level of distress.  I believe in fighting aging not giving myself over to it.  I'm a runner and I do a handful of half marathons every year, and a lot of people would say I'm too old.  I say "don't tell me, what I can't do!".  I believe much of the statistics of deprecation of health are based on people listening to the experts - getting a retirement attitude in their head (I deserve to sit around on a beach somewhere).  I say, my best years are in front of me, and I will fight my lose of balance, my loss of strength, and my loss of flexibility, and one of the best way to do that is learning TKD. 

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