Returning to Taekwondo After a Very Long Break

I was introduced to Tae kwon Do back in 1977 when I was only 15 years old.  I spent close to 5-6 years studying TKD in three different dojangs.  One in Whippany which was bought by another instructor in Parsippany, and then later by Ki Chung Kim in Orange, NJ. So today was my return back into a dojang.  While the class which I've started attending is not a traditional Tae Kwon Do class - it's a fitness class ran by a Tae Kwon Do master which incorporate TDK into the workout.  The instructor said when there's time instructions would be provided for me to learn the Taeguek forms 1-8 (which is my ultimate goal).   

The class tonight (my first) was tough for someone that is closing in on 60-year-old.  The good news is that I did not quit, and I did not strain or tear any ligaments.  But honestly it was as tough as running at least a 10 km race, leaving me be drenched in sweat.    Anyway, this blog is my journey back to TKD. 


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