Major Surgery & Recovery

As I previously wrote, I was in need of major surgery - which involved removing part of my colon. I had the surgery on 06/15/2023. The surgery is keeping me from most exercises and stretching. I was told up front by the surgeon that I will not be able to take Tae Kwon Do until a full month! I went to the TKD school immediately after the surgery (it was painful to drive), and informed my instructor of the surgery and recovery that will be needed. He was very understanding and told me he was going to pause my lessons and help me catch up when I return to be ready for the next belt test in September. Very grateful for this support!! Best instructors, hands down! I've been doing my best to recover and my surgeon has been quite impressed with my recovery - she stands by the one month wait before returning to TKD. So what I have been doing is walking the first few days, and then running. As of today, I ran 2.1 mile...